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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bluuuuuuuue Moon, you saw me standing alone

without a project of my own,
without a thread in my needle.

Blue moon, you knew just what I wanted do to
You heard me saying a prayer for
Some stitching to care for,

Ok, my words are most likely as bad as my singing - which given even the church choir chose to pass on me lets you know just how bad I sing.  When I was in the 6th grade and doing our Christmas program, the Principal came up to me and said "honey, why don't you just mouth the words".... at our 8th grade city wide concert, all dressed up, I was told it was OK if I only wanted to mouth the words.   Unfortunately for all of the good advise about my singing in my life I still love to sing, on key or will keep humming away Blue Moon.......

Our granddaughter is going home on Tuesday after 6 weeks.  While I'm really sad to see her go, I'm really excited to get custody of my sewing room.  I'm excited that I'll have time to stitch again and hopefully finish up a few projects!!  So most likely I'll be posting a finish or two over the next week or so.

We didn't get to Disneyland or the San Diego Zoo :(  I don't do well in the heat.  But did go on a quilt hop and to the ocean, but most of the time we spent playing games and talking. It's amazing how much a 5 year old can talk!!

Until I get something done I thought I'd share some needlepoint that I took picture of while on a trip to England.  These seat cushions were in one of the many churches we went into, the pictures don't do them justice.   I would love to go back to Europe just to see the churches.  I took tons of pictures of the stain glass windows too, but they didn't turn out as well :(

Hope you all have had some productive stitching time!!


 Had to add some pictures of the wood carved alter, the wood work was incredible......

 Under the seats were these carving.  I thought they were so beautiful too.  I wouldn't have the patients and certainly don't have the skill for the detailed work done....just ask my 9th grade art teacher who told me to pursue other options when I couldn't translate my pictures to a sculpture.

 A different church..........


  1. Is the baptism scene below cross stitch? It intrigues me as much as the symbolism of the lovely church kneelers and chair seats above. Religion certainly fuels a lot of wonderful work!

  2. My goodness, you've had a discouraging bunch of teachers! "The forest would be very silent if the only birds who sang were those who sang best". I love those seat cushions, and the carving too! Thanks for sharing your travel memories!

  3. Hmmmm.... I seem to have the same memory of a teacher telling me to just move my lips and not sing. LOL

    Those are wonderful travel photos! I agree about not getting the pics to look as good as the stained glass looks in person. The wood carving is amazing.
