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Saturday, June 29, 2024

End of June

 OMG I can't believe we are half way through this year!!  Time just is flying by, wish my fingers flew as fast stitching as the days fly by each month!!  I'd certainly have more finishes!!  

It's time to check in for WIPocalyse which is hosted by Measi both in her blog and on FaceBook.  This group has helped to keep me on track - and has done wonders to limit the number of new starts, not that I'm getting anything done, but my WIPs aren't growing either.  You can find her blog here:


The question for June's posting is to recap how we are doing with our goals this year.  I really wasn't expecting any finishes but here is how I've done.  I started the year with 37 WIP - I now have 36 - one finish.  Of those 37 WIPs I've worked on 26 of them - so averaging about a week for each - the finish was less than a week and I just pulled a new one yesterday - so it hasn't had a week yet.  I'm happy with those stats, my goal really was to touch them all this year.  I do have about 10 things I'd like to start, I've decided that I'm good with having 52 WIPs going in 2025, so I will start a few things, over the next couple of months.  Thinking instead of Sampler September I'll have Start it all September :)

So what have I worked on in June?

Heartstring Samplery - Winter Comes - I managed to get all of the words done and the border finished across the top and down both sides - finished pages 1 & 2 now.  there is a house on 3 & 4 which I'm hoping will be fun to stitch, but not sure - lately the houses I've been working on have been really huge and taking longer than normal.  I'm not sure I really like the colors on this one, but I'm too far along to stop now, but I am wishing I would have done the black linen, the words would have popped more.  I'm hoping this one is done in 2025.
This one is by Whilest Iris Naps Designs - called Mary Gypson 1828.  I still am working on page 2 or maybe it's page 3 can't remember.  Not fond of alphabets and had to frog out quite a bit because I made a mistake that couldn't be fudged.  

I do love that design on the left side- there is another one on the right side - it was fun to stitch and reminds me of a lady bug for some reason.  this one won't be done for several years unless it comes out to play more often.  But I'm OK with that, I'm a process stitcher.

I really love the colors and like Winter Comes this one also have a huge house on it, what was I thinking?  I guess I was swayed by all those floss-tubes where people say how much they love stitching housed.

Next one up is by Heart's Content - Wicket Was Here and it's an one over one on 30ct.  

I have a witch's hat to put on the tree that is one page one - which is the main page, but right now I'm working on the roots of the tree.  this one is stitching surprisingly fasts - it should be finished in 2025, or the next time it comes out to play.  I'm really liking it and finding stitching over one on 30 ct isn't too bad!!  I have one other over one in my WIPS that will most likely come out in August to play.

Nesx up is Frankenstine Sampler by Stitchery Posey (?), it was part of a mystery box that I got - but I waited for the box to be opened before I decided if I wanted it or not.  Under this square it says "I am fearless, therefore I am powerful". I love that saying and that is what sold me on the box.  

This section probably has the heaviest stitching, there are more little stitches that should go around the tree at the top and down the side of the house, but not sure if I really need to do those - got tired of doing those smaller sections of stitches - they really didn't flow well and I wasn't going to stop and start each one - so I carried the threads, but tried to keep that carrying as short as possible.  

The next section going across the top is Frankenstein himself - he has a lot of stitching, but mostly fill in, so shouldn't be too bad.

This last one is a Shepherd Bush Stocking - Peter's Stocking.  I have the Santa or maybe it's supposed to be a shepherd done.  This is an older stocking so not as much detail in it as the newer ones.  I will work on the bottom part of this stocking this week and hopefully will basically get it done by the end of the week.  

My grandson is having a little boy, so want to have this stocking done as well as other male stocking and will let him pick which one he likes.  I have 4 other stocking basically kitted up and ready to start.  I will start a girl stocking and another boy stocking in July - I are doing Christmas stitching in July.  While I'm not a seasonal stitcher, I know I need to get these done as my niece is having a baby in October, so I'll need to have 2 stockings ready for Christmas this year.

So that pretty well wraps up on June stitching - my folks are doing better and we have them both in one spot and more care arranged so I'm not trying to do it all.  I love my siblings, but they all live out of State and don't have time to come and help.  I just figure it's more time I get with my folks, some days are better than other but we are finding a new normal.  My Dad has decided that each day should start with Starbucks - I may need to keep working just to afford his Starbuck's habit!!  It costs more than his depends each month LOL - oh well, it's only money and with our kids all grown and doing well, we can afford to help my parents right now.

But I am thinking about retirement - and have planned 3 things to celebrate it when it comes - 

1. - 2000 piece puzzle - love doing those but get sucked into working on them for hours at a time.

2. A Witches Patchwork Quilt - I have the kit so it can be started at any time.

3. A Long Dog Sampler - just need to get the silks, I keep seeing people doing these and love them!!

Can't wait to see what others have done this month.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

May -be it came, May-be it didn't

 I guess we are at the end of May, I know this because my son had his birthday today as well as one of my best friends - easy to remember her birthday, my other friend's birthday is on my youngest kid's birthday - how is that for picking friends.  My other friend is harder to remember - she was born on the day man first stepped on the moon - so know it's in July, but have to goggle the exact date each year.

So the question of the month from Measi's Blog who is our wonderful leader is:

Question of the Month:  How do you personally distinguish between a Work in Progress (WIP) and an Unfinished Object (UFO)?

Well that is an easy question - the location of the project - if it's upstairs in my small cubical or footstool, it's WIP because I will work on it at some point.  If it's been relocated to the basement in one of my bins, then it's an UFO :). And yes there are projects down there that haven't seen the light of day in years, but at some point they will, I've only actually totally abandon one project in my life - and that was a wedding sampler I started when I married my first husband - I decided it wasn't something that I ever wanted to finish as the marriage only lasted 3 years.  Second marriage has lasted 40 years and still going strong.

I've not been very proactive this month - like April this month was filled with trips to the emergency room with one or the other parent.  Hopefully we have found a good solution, my Dad is not happy with the solution, but it is giving me some relief, as I'm only running to the assisted living 2 or 3 times a day vs. 4 or 5 times when they were at home.   I did get a week off of parent duty and got some snuggles in with my youngest grandchild which was so nice.  Hopefully June will be better and more projective - so what did I do?

This is Rosewood Manor's Autumn Quaker - I made a major mistake on it, and had to re-do some, but fudged the rest and I'm OK with it.  The top is pretty well done, and while I think wow I have a lot done - I'm not really more than 33% done - so a long ways to go.  this one most likely won't come back out this year, but it will get finished.  the gap at the top is for the date, leaving that for last because who knows what year it will get finished.

Next one that I worked on is My Family Tree by Thistle Design.  I have the top row down, again, this is now about 33% done.  Not sure where I'll go next, but my hope is to get two more houses done on either the left or the right side.  Not sure if I'll pull this out again this year, but I would like to get it done sooner rather than later.  I know I will need to get more thread, there is a tree in the middle and I know I don't have enough overdyed thread to do it and finish the outline - so would rather get new thread for the tree so if the dye lots are really different it won't matter :)

The Last up is Simple Gift - Courage by Praise Worthy Stitches.  This one is based on people who have had cancer, the chart is done in pinks for breast cancer, but doing colors that will range from blue to purple to teal for different people in my family who had had cancer and survived, or who have had cancer and lost the battle.  

I will put their initials in the design where I can and then add their names.  Basically the 1st page is complete.  I've done a little bit more and have started page 2 with a new color, but didn't take an updated picture yet.  This one will go away and I'll be pulling out something new to work on which will be part of my June posting.

This picture is an oldie but goodie.  I did this for my Mom probably back in the 80's.  I found it in their basement with some water damage done.  Washed it and through I had most of it out, but some still shows.  I'm re-framing it and had this frame in my stash.  So will mount it and lace the back and get some glass to go on it.  Not sure why my Mom took it down, but thinking it was because my sister gave her an owl that she got and had framed for her.  Oh well, not easy being the middle child.  

Hope you all have had better stitching than me this month.  Need to get back into a routine, it helps with the stress.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

April Showers - just brings tears

 Wow life can change in a blink of an eye and all of your plans are out the window and you are looking to see if you have a Plan B in place - well think we are working on Plan XYZ now and will see if we'll ever get back to plan A.  Not to belabour the point, my Dad fell and ended up in the hospital and now rehab, so we are looking at what the options are from here.  I just love that the siblings who don't have time to come and help with their care are all of sudden wanting to be involved in the next step.....not that they want to actually come and help implement it, just want the decision making part.  At the end of the day, it really is up to me as my Dad left me in charge of things, so will work through it and see where we end up.  He will be discharged most likely next week and life will change for him and my Mom.

Sorry for the above, but it really has impacted my stitching this month - it was going really good and then it wasn't.  Might stitch a little bit this afternoon after I get the laundry done at my folks house and lunch for my Mom made.  

This is the monthly check in for WIPocalypse - you'd think after all of these years participating I'd learn how to spell it, but alas spelling has never been my strong point in life - as me to calculate how long it will take you to get from point A to point B at a certain speed and I'm there LOL.  

WIPocalypse is the brain child of Measi's blog and can be found here. WIPocalypse. Each month we post what we have accomplished and answer a question.  This month the question is What designer have you discovered lately?   Well that is an easy one - I've not been in a cross-stitch store since February when the shop was having their Super Bowl sale to get enough cash for market.  I missed the market lease event, so didn't get to see anything new - and to be honest I've not really been looking at any of the websites that post new releases.  My focus this year has been to work on the things I have in my stash, I have so many designs that I really would love to stitch, even the older ones.  The funny thing is, when I'm stitching I have no desire to purchase anything but maybe floss, when I'm not stitching, then I want to purchase everything.  The last couple of years I've been stitching more and my desire to purchase has gone down.

OK so now for what you all really want to see, what did I do this month....

I believe this is Ann Kirby by Needlework Press.  that house is a monster to stitch, I think I calculated it about 4000 stitches.  I'm close to a finish on it and then can move on.  I did get the birds in and started the border.  I found that it is off, but at this point I'm not going to re-do it!!  Nothing really connects, so I can fudge the mistake.  I will need to figure out what/where is a good counting point - the border was started in the wrong place as well,  will figure it out, this one most likely own't be out again this year and by the time it is I will have totally forgotten there was a mistake at all LOL.

Next up is my Ice Angel by Lavender and Lace.  I coverted the blues to purple and started this one a long time ago.  I've ranted about the rayon thread before, really don't like that thread, and almost all of the other threads are blended with a blending filament, so not a lot fun to stitch.  But I did work my way up to the wings and got them started and hope to get over to the face and hair soon and maybe once those are on I will be more motivated to finish it...who am I fooling???   Also found out that I didn't totally kit up this one - no floss in my bag for the face or hair - not sure if I took it out for something else??  or just never put anything in to begin with - thankfully I had floss to start the wings.

I was going to make April - Angel - April and work on only my angels, but that only lasted a few days and I was over stitching on angels.  I have 4 of them going, so maybe I'll pull out another one in May to work on and make some progress.  

So when I got tired of working on my Angel I pulled out Awake my Soul by La-D-Da.  I finished up the words and started on the flowers.  Not a lot of progress, but enough that you can tell I stitched on it for a minute or two.  I really like this one and would love to have it done this year - it is relatively small compared to most of my other projects.

Next up is Walking to St. Ives by Indigo Rose.   I was working on this one when I blinked and my life took a turn in another direction.  My hope was to get the 7 wives done and the words below it, but just got the wives done, except for their shoes.  And I brought the border down on the left side a little bit.   This one was started almost 10 years ago, and has been in my stash even longer.  I really like the sampler and would like to get it done.  But decided I'm not a blackwork person and not really enjoying the border as much as I thought I would.  So this one won't be finish anytime soon, but it will come out at least once a year for some love.

The last one is a Mind Independent and Free by Carriage House.  I finished up the zig-zag, which was a lot of stitching and the motifs underneath it.  I really like this one's staying and really want it done sooner rather than later as I think it's something my granddaughter should read every day - don't remember all of the words but the jest is that it's better to have independent thoughts than to have worldly goods.  In this day and age I thought it was appropriate.

I started on Autumn Quaker by Rosewood Manor, but didn't get enough stitching done to really show anything.  Hope to get more done on it today and maybe tomorrow and then will show it off with May's updates.  

My parents house isn't set up for stitching and I don't have a comfortable place.  So not sure how much progress May will have either.  I am hoping to finish a needlepoint and get it off to my niece for her 1st wedding anniversary in May.  It is almost done, just need to actually work on it to finish it up and then mount it on the box I got.  If I get it done I will post a picture with May's update as well.

Until next time - don't blink.....


Saturday, March 30, 2024

Time Marches on, and so does the month of March - time to check in

 Dear Blog

How are you doing?  Life has been Ok this month, busy at work, but all deadlines met, so can't complain.  Now time to move to April and see what that month brings.  During these busy months I so enjoy my few hours a day to stitch.  I think I stitched about 28 days this month, which is great.  

So it's time to check in with WIPocalypse, which is hosted by Measi Musings.  Each month we post what we've done and answer the question of the month.  If you want to see/learn more go here:


So the question this month is what color or brand of floss do we love and what is our favourite color.  

I'm not a brand snob, I will use anything BUT rayon, really don't like rayon hence the angel that has been in process for about 20 years now.  If you look at what I'm stitching you'd think I love muted colors, the warm browns and tans because I've been doing a lot of reproduction samplers lately, but in all reality I love bright colors - reds, blues and purples are my favourite.  I do have charts that use those colors, I just haven't started them yet.  maybe one year I'll have a bright color year.  I do love to stitch with silk threads, it feels like butter, so when given the option to use silks I will (ok when the budget allows), but otherwise I use DMC, anchor, Weeks, Gentle Arts and others.  There are some I would love to try, but they aren't carried by my local shop, so haven't tried them YET, but I will.

So what have I done this month?

First up is a Summer's Basket by Symbolic Gestures.  It is an old kit that I go maybe 20 years ago and decided it really need to get stitched.  its about 1/2 done now and if it comes out again it can be a finish.  

I'm not crazy about the colors on the linen, but it's in process so it will be finished at somepoint and then we'll see if it gets framed or not.

Next up is All Creatures Great and Small by Barbara Ana Design.  

I really love this one and I'm thinking I have a page finish and the start of the next page.  I love the pigs.  
I saw this one at a shop and decided I had to have it, but they were out of the charts, so I got another one - Eye of the Sparrow instead and at the time thought it just wasn't meant to be, but then I saw this chart at another shop and decided I really like it, so I got it, and now both of these BAP on in works.  It will be several years before they are done, but that's OK I'm a process stitcher, I love the journey and the end is just icing on the cake.

The next one is a finish - it's Vexation Sampler by Plum Street.  I started out using the colors called for, but then decided to go for it and added other colors. 

They don't all melt together real well, but I'm OK with that, I love it just the same.  It has many personal changes (AKA frog visits that didn't get ripppppp out), but in the end the corners met up somewhat.  

I'm hoping to take this one to be framed in April and then it will go to live with my granddaughter in KY.  Never too young to learn your time-tables!!   This was my second multiplication table, and I have a third one in my stash to start....I love math what can I saw, every room needs to have the table so visitors can practice .

Next up is All things Unseen by Lizzy Kate.  This was a mystery - 3 parts, but in my true fashion I waited for all parts to be released so I could see the end results and decide if I liked it enough to stitch.  

Obviously I did because here it is.  I'm working on pages one and two together.  Again it is personalized by me with using the wrong colors in the wrong places and some counting mishaps, but unless you had the original next to it, I don't think you can really tell where all the mistakes are, so I'm letting it go!!  I love the saying on this one.  I would like to have this one done this year, but most likely it will be a 2025 finish.

The last one I worked on in March is Coming to America by With Thy Needle & Thread.  It was originally a market exclusive release in 2020, I got the kit from my LNS, but didn't start it right away.  When I did, I tried out several different linens in different counts and finally settled on this one.  The creams and whites don't show up too well, but decided I just wanted it done, so there it is.  

I'm ready to start the section with all the names, which I'm hoping will go faster than the rest has gone.  Don't know anyone who came over on the Mayflower, my ancestors all came afterwards, some through Ellis Island, others through Canada.  But I like the chart and though it would be fun to do.  I liked the middle section, but not real thrilled with her rest of it.  It will get done, but it's not a top priority on my list.

I have one more that I've been stitching on, but no pictures yet, I only take pictures when I'm ready to put it away so I can post my progress on my WIP Warrior FB album.   I will show off that one next month.  I've put in a lot of stitches, but it really doesn't look like it because I'm working on a house, which is on the biggish side, but not as large as some I've seen.  I think I figured it will about about 4,200 stitches, on 40 ct.  Will be glad when the house is done - two more days and it goes back in its project bag for another day.  The house won't be done.

Leaving you with a little smile and hope for summer to arrive and this year not be full of rain like last year.  My granddaughter is learning how to swim.  She loves the water and looks forward to her lessons each week.  This summer should be fun in our pool with her and I'm sure she will love the parks with the sprinklers.   I grew up spending weekends at some beach with my family as my Dad was a scuba diver and they scheduled dives in different lakes around Michigan all summer long.  

Hope you all have a wonderful stitchy month and made great progress.  I love seeing what others are doing.  I so envy all the full coverage people.  I would love to do one, but given my epic failure on a chart that was about 60% full cover, not sure I'd ever get through the confetti stitches that really make it look so great.  Maybe when I retire I will venture with a small one.

See you all in April :).  for those in the path of the eclipse would love to see pictures posted - maybe I need to pull out one of my charts with plants or moons on it to work on that day.  We aren't in the path in MI, but our house in KY will have 98% totality, unfortunately we won't make it down there to see.


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Another Month almost over - time for WIPocalypse check in

 Each month we post what we've done and the progress we've made, this group is the brain child for Measi at WIPocalpse which can be found here


The question this month is about SAL - Stitch A-Longs. and if we are participating in any this year.  I am not, they look like fun, but I don't do well with expectations in my stitching.  I normally don't put any deadlines on myself - the only exception would be for Christmas Stocking for new family members, which I will have one this year, just don't know if it's a boy or girl yet.   while a lot of people to Start A-Longs, where they start, but then work at their own pace, I've not joined any of those.  Maybe when my WIP's are lower, or if I see something that I know I want to stitch.  But until then I just do my own thing.

So what did I accomplish this month?

Glendon Place - WITCH, I'm not quite 1/2 done with this one.  I ran out of thread on the H- in my mind while stitching the H I was signing - I fought the thread and the thread won, I fought the thread and the thread won.  If you are old like me, you know the song - I fought the law and the law won......  Wish you could see the sparkle in WITCH - it looks great.

Next up are more words - and then the top border repeated at the bottom.  Not sure if this one will be finished this year or not, but will give it a go.

Next up is Mary Ann Aldred Sampler by Needlework Press.  

There are two pictures, the first one is the top part of the chart.  I finished up the border on the right and the rest of the words and the tree on the right.  

Then moved the q-snaps down and finished the border on the left, rounded the corner and start the border on the bottom.  Next worked on the tree and got it completed and started on the house.  

That's when the frogs from WITCH decided to come and visit.....The house had to be taken out once because part of the tree wasn't done correctly.  I didn't go back and fix the tree, but did get the house in the right spot, so the house is done on that page, working on the bottom border and need to get the rest of the over one words in and Mary's name.  

The last page of the chart isn't a full page, so hoping it will go fast.  This one could be finished this year if it comes back out again.  I really love it so would like to see it finished.  

Next up is Nevermore by Lila Studios, I worked on the right side of the chart - and got page 2 finished, so it is half done.   I'm not sure if I have enough thread to repeat the top border at the bottom.  I used up one skein already and I'm pulling form the second skein.  I might get another skein and just keep it for the bottom so if there are differences in the dye lots it won't be noticeable because all of the colors will be from the same skein at the bottom.

I can't wait to finish up the little grave yard.  I think I'm going to put my initials on one of the tombstones with the date it was finished.

The last one is my Hawk Run Hallow - Halloween.  My original goal was to frame in each box, but I found myself adding a few stitches in each box.  so I decided that I really wanted to work on the boxes as they were more fun than just doing the frame.  So did I go back and work on box 1???  Heck NO, I started working on box two.  This one won't be done for years at the rate I'm working on it, so will revise my goal and try to get one block done a year and another one started, that way it will be about 6 or 7 years before it's done.  OK it will probably get done sooner than that but for now, I'll just bring it out and touch it once or twice a year.

I'm loving my new rotation, I work on a project for about a week and then put it away.  The goal is to touch all of my WIP's this year and bring as many as possible to a finish or close to a finish.  I have several new starts planned during the year, but will only start them when the mood hits for a new start.  If it doesn't this year, that is OK.

Hope you all have had a wonderful stitching month and made great progress.  Not sure how March will go, big deadlines at work and hubby had surgery on the 1st.  My stitching is my zen moments, so hope I can keep going.


Saturday, January 27, 2024

End of January - can December be far behind?

 No I'm not wishing away the year, but it seems like I'm in January and then all of a sudden the year is over and it's time to start again!!  But until then I will do monthly updates of my stitching progress as part of the WIPocalypse, which is hosted by

The January question is to tell you all about my oldest WIP -  if you are talking about actual projects that are in process the oldest would have to be my owls, these were started in 1973 or maybe it was 1974 as a present for my Mom who loves owls.  There were two in the kits, the covered bridge and the owls.  I knew nothing about needlepoint except that all my stitches needed to go in the same direction - too bad I didn't realize that when I started to cross-stitch.  I need to finish this one up one day, just have the background left to do, the covered bridge is complete.  I will put them in small frames or maybe make small pillows out of them.

Now if you are talking actual WIPS that I'm working on and will touch this year, then it would have to be my Lavender & Lace Ice Angel.  My daughter was into purple and wanted a purple angel.  At the time she wasn't planning on having any kids, so it seemed appropriate to stitch her an angel.  So I went to the local shop and pulled the called for colors and then replaced them with purples, it seems like every color was changed when I was done.  So I started to stitch it, but soon found that I really didn't like working with rayon threads :(.  Many a time I really wish I had switched to silks, but I never did, also not too happy with the linen, but back in the day we didn't have many options of what we used, we were happy if we found anything that wasn't white or cream Aida.  

Stitchers today have so many more options and wonderful dyers making those options hard to make because they all look so lushes.  

So here is my Angel, the one picture is what she should look like the second picture is where I am today, although I thought I had more done.  I've got a long way to go, but there is no hurry anymore - I might re-purpose this angel as there are a couple of people who have expressed interest in it.  My daughter's daughter has her own angel, which was stitched after she was born.   But before I actually find it a new home, I really need to get it finished.  My goal this year is to assign April and August to working on my 4 angels and see if I can't get them all a little bit closer to a finish.

So how old is this WIP?  Problem about 20 years old now - I know a lot of you are saying - why are you still working on this one, to be honest it was put aside for many years because I just couldn't work on it, if you've read my blog you've all heard the story, but we lost our daughter to cancer 9 years ago this month.   I can work on it now and will eventually get it done and it will find a happy home.

OK now on to what I've been working on in January.  I decided that I have less than 40 active WIPs, so I would give each one a week.  I've been just pulling them out without really looking to see what is in the project bag.   Some will get a full week, others maybe only a couple of days, some more than a week, but in the end I can get about 10-20 hours of stitching done in that week, so good progress will be made.  This month I've worked on the following:

Awake my Soul - is a new start.  It's a relatively small design so I'm hoping I can get it finished this year.  It's by La-D-Da.  I love the material that I started it on.

Next picture is my Shepherd Bush stocking - Peter - figured I should get two stocking going so when the great grandchild arrives in July I can put on name on the appropriate stocking and get it to the new parents in time for Christmas.  

I started this one when my daughter was expecting, but I had a feeling she was having a girl - so this one was put away and the girl stocking got most of my attention.  No feelings one way or another on this wee-one, but just thought I would get it done anyways.  The Shepherd is almost done, this is an older stocking so didn't call for any fancy threads.

Next up that I worked on is Peola's angel, she is turning 3 so I really should get going on this one.  I usually do the faces over one, but this time I just couldn't get it work right so opted for the over two face, it still looks nice.  When this comes out in April I plan on getting the hair done and the sleeve so I can get the back stitching done.  Again this is an older angel so there are no beads on it, but I might find something special to add before it is framed.  

I've done 3 angels for the first 3 grandchildren, number 4's is still in process and she is now 10 :( so to be 11.  It will be worked on at least twice this year and maybe 3 times, so should get some nice progress done on it as well.  I think I burned myself out on angels, I love them, but they are a lot of work.

The last WIP that I worked on was a Dog's Last Will and Testimony by Heartstring Samplery.    It is about 66% done, so I'm hoping for a finish this year.  It is a long sampler - over 300 stitches long,  with lots of words!!  The last time it was out I did about 6 lines of words.  I have 8 more lines of works, a line of dogs and then the bottom border.  The words do go quickly, but they are boring to do.  I decided to heck with the color changes in them, I just stitch one strand of thread in one color and then pull the other color.  they are so close that you really can't see much of a difference.  I'm sure when it was designed there was more contrast between the two colors, but like all hand dyed threads each dye run is a little bit different.  I pulled what I had in my stash and I'm happy with it.

No picture from my current stitching session - it will stay out throughout today, I'm hoping for a page finish on it.  then I will move the q-snaps and take a picture.  I thought I was about 1/2 done with it, but looking at the chart I'm only about 1/3 of the way done.  I really love it!!

Can't wait to see what others are doing.  I'm loving this group, it is keeping me on task :)


Sunday, January 7, 2024

time for an updated introduction to me

 I just looked back and this will be my 12th year participating in WIPocalypse - you'd think by now I'd learn how to spell it, but alas, spelling has always been a challenge for me.  

This group is the brain child of Measi Musings who for the past 13 years has been inspiring us all to work on our WIPs.  I wanted to join the first year, but didn't know how to create a blog, still not very good at it, but at least I'm trying - maybe an old dog can learn new tricks.  So the first year I just read people's blogs and enjoyed their journey.

Back when I joined (not going to say started) this group my goal was to work on my WIP's and eventually get them down to where I was a one at a timer again, but like spelling that just doesn't seem to be my thing.  I love having different things going, lots of large projects with a few smaller ones sprinkled in so when I have a need for a finish, I can get one.  And I LOVE people who have more WIPS than me and especially love their WIP Parades on Floss tube.  So you will never hear a negative comment from me about the number of WIPS you have, or if you UFO any of them - totally understand and I've got your back :) 

So who am I?  I'm old enough to be retired, but decided to work a few more years because we decided to add a room on to our house and I want it paid off so I can enjoy retirement and not have to work.  (my space!). I've been married for almost 40 years and we have 4 kids, all over the age of 40 (I call it the new math).  We have 5 grandchildren and soon to be great-grandparents in July.  I get to work from home and have been since before the big shut-down, which meant I never got to enjoy any actual time off - just more work.  I can set my own hours as long as my work gets done, which is nice as I'm also a caregiver for my folks.  I was an avid reader when I use to commute to an actual office since I rode a bus, but since working from home and not traveling like I had been, my reading has been almost non-existent anymore - I loved mysteries and if I'm going to read, that is what I'll grab.

I love to stitch BAP, which is like my quilting - if I'm making a quilt it's a king size quilt, hence not finishing many of them - my Quilt kits would rival my stitching projects all kitted up.  the last couple of years I've been obsessed with Samplers - before that it was L&L Angels.  I love the full coverage pieces people do, but know it's not for me, I've tried it and it was an epic failure on my part.  My lovely friend finished the piece for me and it hangs on my walls and I love it.

I currently have 37 WIPS that are active (if you count there are more than 37, but I count the Noah's Ark as one since they are all on the same piece)- there are a few that have been abandon for longer than many of you have been breathing on this earth, but here is my list.  There are only 2 on this list that may never get finished, one I just plan don't find any joy in stitching and the other has been pledged with frequent visits from a frog.  We will see what happens to them this year.

DesignerChart NameThemeStarted
Heartstring SampleryHis Eye is on the SparrowAntique SamplerYes
Plum StreetVexation SamplerSampleryes
With Thy Needle & ThreadComing to America - The Women of the MayflowerSamplerYes
Scarlet LetterElizabeth EylesAntique Sampleryes
Heartstring SampleryA Dog's Last Will and TestamentSampleryes
Lavender & LacePeace AngelAngelyes
Curtis BoehringerNoah's ArkUrial 
Curtis BoehringerNoah's ArkVicuna 
Curtis BoehringerNoah's ArkWolf 
Curtis BoehringerNoah's ArkX-tra Large Hippos 
Curtis BoehringerNoah's ArkYak 
Curtis BoehringerNoah's ArkZebra 
Curtis BoehringerNoah's ArkNoah 
Curtis BoehringerNoah's ArkYesah, Noah's wife 
Needle Work PressThe Mary Ann Aldred SamplerAntique SamplerYes
Dragon Fire DesignsFamilySampleryes
Carriage HouseA Mind Independent & FreeSamplerYes
Tempting Tangles DesignsArc of Whitesampleryes
Glendon PlaceWITCH HalloweenYes
AuryTM DesingAliceQuakeryes
Lila's StudioNevermoreHalloweenYes
Heartstring SampleryWinter ComesSampleryes
Symbolic GesturesSummer Basket SamplerSampleryes
Needlwork PressAnn Kirby 1845Sampleryes
Heart's ContentWicket Was HereHalloweenyes
Stitchy PoselFrankenstein SamplerHalloweenyes
Rosewood ManorO'SantaChristmasYes
Lavender & LaceIce AngelAngelyes
Indigo RoseWalking to St. Ivessampleryes
Barbara Ana DesignsAll Creatures Great & SmallSampleryes
Lavender & LaceEarthdancerAngelyes
Rosewood ManorAmerican FlagSampleryes
Heart's ContentInspire OthersSampleryes
Scarlet Letterthe Four Angels Mouring SamplerSampleryes
Rosewood ManorAutum QuakerSampleryes
Shepherd's BushPeter's StockingChristmasyes
Lizzy KateThings UnseenChristmasYes
ThistlesFamily TreeSampleryes
Lavender & LaceGuardian AngelAngelyes
Courtney CollectionsPeliCan 9animalyes
Carriage HouseHalloween @ Hawk Run HallowsHalloweenyes
PraiseWorthy StitchesSimple Gifts - CourageQuarteryes
Whilst Iris Naps DesignMary Gypsoon 1828Sampleryes
La-D-DaAwake my SoulSampleryes

I have plans to add more, and this list doesn't include any needlepoint that I have going - this is just cross stitch.  My goal for this year is to complete one angel and to touch all of my WIPS at least once.  I think there was only 2 or 3 that didn't get touched in 2023, so I was happy with my results.    This is the angel I hope to finish, so we'll see if it gets done.  April and August will be Angel months for me.

I also participate in WIP Warriors and hope to do some of the challenges this year - need to figure them out and then actually do them.  I also do WIPGO, which this year isn't too specific on what I need to work on as I find that I stitch what I want and don't like being told what I need to stitch on.  Since it's my board and my rules, I'm going with the way I have it this year and see if I can't get a black out - came close last year.

If you want to see pictures, please scroll through the past year, you'll see where I was on each of them with the exception of Awake My Soul, that one was a new start the end December and will be photoed before I put it away.
