So now for my weekly status or update. This is a small cross stitch I did for my sister Linda. Since my sister doesn't surf my blog I can post the picture and not worry that she will see it. My sister loves to be on the computer, and while we like a lot of the same things, she hasn't ever been a stitcher. Linda is 18 months older than me, but we couldn't be closer if we were twins. Our kids are very close in age and were raised more like sisters and brothers, than cousins. I was going to finish this as an ornament, but opted for framing. Will take a picture when I get it back from the framers, hoping it will be done by Friday. I way over did it with the frame I picked out, but Christmas only comes once year, so I guess it's OK to over due.
Below are all of the pillowcases with the trim sewn on and piled up waiting to be ironed. You can see some of the material that I am using. Then to the left of that picture are the pillow cases all ironed and ready for the final assemble - sewing down the side and across the bottom. I divided them up between those that will be sewn with white thread and those that will be sewn with black thread. When I first started to do pillow cases I had a serger that belonged to a friend of mines mother. Unfortunately the cutters were dull, so I had to take it in to be repaired. When I went to pick it up then hadn't replace the cutters (which I had specially told them I wanted done), so when I got home and started to sew it wouldn't cut the fabric :( So I had to take it back and because I was running up against a deadline (like Christmas day), I went and got a new serger, so now I have two :) I thread one with black thread and one with white thread and only have to re-thread when one of the spools runs out. Makes life so much nicer and a lot less frustrating if you've ever threaded a serger you'd understand.
Was hopping to have these done on Sunday, but it didn't happen, so will try to get them done this week one evening so I can spend the weekend doing the final ironing and then wrapping them up for Christmas. Will take photos of some of my favorite ones before wrapping them up. I also got some more material and will cut and sew up 4 more this weekend for a nursing home in ID that I work with at work. Last year I did 9 pillow cases for a facility in AZ.
This is my update on my Iris & Fans, I had to get more of the sparkly purple thread over the weekend, so while I was out picking that up I also got a couple of new charts, Sleeping Princess by Mirabilia and Charland's Stocking by Shepherd's Bush.
While I'm starting the "Stash Diet" my way in 2013, it hasn't started yet, so I splurged one more time. I have one more project that i will purchase before year end - our ANG's year long project "Oh My Stars", which is another counted canvas design - I love geometric designs!! My mother always told me my eyes were bigger than my stomach, or in this case more ambitious than time will allow.
I am really happy with the progress on this one and hope to have it done by the end of the year, if not sooner :) I actually had to take out the lower left corner and re-do it. Yesterday was one step forward, two steps back.
I would like to have two more finishes this year this being one of them. Not sure what the other one will be, maybe I can get my Witch Angel done??? My 2012 to-do list isn't as crossed out as I would have liked. So some of the projects will be carried forward to 2013 and others will be put back into the abyss and may or may not be seen again.
I told my friends that we needed to set goals for ourselves and then do at least quarterly check-ins on the progress. I definitely need someone to push me to get things done, I'm great at starting, but then lose interest. I struggle with a project from about 30% to 70%, then get excited again about completing it, or maybe I just want to get it done and I'm motivated again. If you've not noticed my Indian lady has not been updated in weeks - I'm having a hard time pulling her out and working on her. She definitely will be on my 2013 list and will BE the first things crossed off!!
I plan on doing a confession of a stitcher before year end to show all my sins and then another one after the first of the year with my new goals. I need to learn more about setting up my blog and figuring out how I can post my list as a side bar so I can track and cross off as they are finished.
Happy stitching to all!! And wish me luck, tomorrow I'm going to the Price is Right - Momma needs a new car!!! Given that number of people who attend, and the fact that I'll be with a group of 25 - I have a 4% chance of being picked, but I guess that is better than my changes of winning the Power ball.
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