I am starting to figure out what I'll work on during 2013 and as always my eyes are probably much bigger than my will power to stick with anyone long enough to actually get it done.
First on my list is my Witch Angel, I have a lot of it done, and hope to get the rest of it finished before the end of the year. I'm going to do some beading on the skirt, can't wait to see how it looks. When she's done I need to stitch a few rows around her so I can try to finish her myself. Not sure how I'll do it, but will figure it out. I have two other angels that are done and waiting to be finished.
So for my list I have:
1) Spirit Dancer - she is probably 50% done :) Goal to get her done first!! Then with my earned time buy some material for one of my other projects.
2) Curtis Boehringer' Noah's Ark on an afghan. For 2012 I completed L, M & N for 2013 I want to do O, P, Q and R. I think I'm missing one or two colors for the R, so I can get started. Generally I can do one of the letters in a weekend.
3) Earth Dancer - It is completely kitted up and was on my list for 2012, but she didn't get started. Want to do a better job in 2013 and start her, she might be my New Year's day project :)
4) August Peridot Fairy - I'm still missing some of the beads and crystals. But the material has been cut and before I start it I'll serge up the sides.
5) Prairie Moon design - can't think of the name of it right now, but it will be done in purple silks on a hand dyed green linen. Love the fact that its all done in one color.
6) Pelican - this one will be done on 40 ct with one thread. The chart called for a silk, but I decided to use a thread works variegated thread. Not sure which one I'll use yet, I'm thinking the darker thread with very little variegation. This is a huge chart, so it will take me time to complete.
7) Sleeping Princess - I have all the threads, all of the beads, but not any linen. I pulled out the linen from my stash, but couldn't find anything that I liked. The pattern calls for Beach Walk. I was told is specially dyed for the chart, but the LNS I went to today didn't carry it and was offered other material. Really didn't like what they had that was big enough. There was a hand dyed linen by Weeks that I liked, but all of the pieces were pre-cut and they weren't big enough. So will most like order what i want on line.
8) Princess Angel - the thread was what my granddaughter picked out, I think I will add to that, and maybe change it a little bit. Donna is all about shiny threads, but I think I would like something I can use for the skirt that isn't metallic. She is at the bottom of the list, so she may or may not get started in 2013, we'll see.
On the quilting front, I have the following:
1) Thimbleberry 2008 and 2009 to complete - both are close to being ready to be assembled. I made great progress on the 2009 during 2012, just need to sew 3 small squares and then do the fussy cuts for the connecting squares.
2) Take-Five twin quilt - The top just needs the borders added, and then it will be ready for quilting. Going to try that myself.
3) Either the Angry Lady Bug or Petticoats & Patriots quilt - neither one has been started, so need to figure out which one I want to do. I'm leaning towards Petticoats & Patriots
on the beading front:
1) Key chains and pens :) But I need to figure out how to protect them both, the beads break when you actually use them.
2) Would love to start the Eye-tie, it is absolutely stunning!!! And I think my middle daughter would love it. But not sure if I'll have the time to do it, so it might be moved to 2014
So here is my list. A little bit early, but I wanted to get a head start since I've got a long list of have to do/want to do projects. in 2013.
I will probably repeat this posting in January again, and if I can figure out how to do a side bar, will post my list there.
Hope you all are having a great weekend!! I know I am :)
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