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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Time to kick the baby stitching up to full speed

The long waited granddaughter put in her appears this weekend a few days ahead of schedule.  The baby blanket made it in time for the big event - and my son said the minute they wrapped her up in the blanket she fell right to sleep.  What can I say?  When grandma can't be there to hold her tight the next best thing is flannel :)  We are now even - 2 granddaughters and 2 grandsons.

I had pulled out Peace Angel for a little work earlier this week.  After a couple of calls from my son saying they were on their way to the hospital decided I really needed to stop procrastinating.  Not a lot of progress, but some, figure every stitch I do is one less that I have to do later!!  I'd like to get the wings done by the end of summer, if not the face too :).  If I set my sights low, maybe I'll surprise myself.  

Looking at the pattern, it would be easy to follow larger sections of the same color down, so maybe the next update will show more of the wings being done.   I need to make a point of doing a little bit on it each week.
Now that Ms. Arwen has put in her appearance, it is time to start work on her Christmas stocking.  I'm doing Sadie's stocking by Shepherd's Bush.  I love their stockings, they are simple and stitch fast.  This will be 8th stocking I've made by this designer and hope to make more as new grandchildren or nieces or nephews are born.  I like using heather field fabric, but since its no longer being made I'm pretty well out of the material now.  So the next one will need to be stitching on something else.

Before I could start I needed to get the last of the thread I was missing.  I did this on Saturday when our stitching group met at a small shop before our GTG for a day of stitching.   We went to see what they brought back new from Nashville.  Either they had sold out on a lot of the stuff their brought back, or they didn't bring back a lot.  Either way it wasn't hard walking out with next to nothing, although I did get a Heart's Content design - Spring bouquet.  I love the colors in it and while you do it over one, the linen is such that I can see the holes with the assistance of a magnifying glass.  Not sure when it will be started, after another finish or two.

At our stitch-in I managed to put the first couple of stitches into the fabric for the stocking and I would have done more, but I didn't bring the right size of q-snaps.  So I wasn't able to go all the way across the bottom of the stocking.  I like to be able to complete my way across an area so that when I move on to the next section I have enough reference points to start in the correct place.  Only being able to go so far in each direction doesn't allow me to do that.  I have enough problems with counting without confusing myself anymore.  After 50 it's not hard to confuse myself.

This will be the first time I've started a stocking at the bottom, so we'll see how this goes.  Generally this is a pattern I start in the middle and work both ways.   But it seems like this is a new year for me with lots of different kinds of starts.

Well, time to get back to some fun stitching, working on my Spooky Mantle, want to get the second section done before the full moon too!!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new grand baby! How sweet that she liked grandma's blanket so much :) And luck girl to get a SB stocking!
