I'm thankful for all the people who have come in and touched my life. Some have stayed and others only spent a short time. Regardless of how much time they have spent in my life, they have all left something behind. Sometimes it's been a bad taste in my mouth and I don't morn their departures, other times they have made me a better person and I think I took away the best parts of them in me...if that make sense. So to all of the people, past, present and those to come, good or bad thank-you.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, well after Christmas of course, but before Halloween. Thanksgiving is a time for family, which we have always loosely defined to include friends who might have otherwise spent the day alone. The traditional dinner has also always been loosely defined. I went through a period where we added an international flavor to our menu, it was fun to try different types of food. Always way too much food, so we would send leftovers home with people. Good times.
Last year we drove up to my brother's house for dinner, had a wonderful meal and a great weekend, but if you've ever driven I-5, you know that under normal conditions it's a horrible. Well on a holiday it's even worse, so decided this year that we'd just stay home. Its just the two of us today so we will do it up with prime rib for two :) Sunday we'll have a friend over who is working today for a more traditional meal cause I have to channel my turk-a-terrian side!
This long weekend was going to be my finishing it up weekend. I've been working on a Christmas stocking for my husband's nephew's new son. I generally reserve doing stockings for close family members because they take time to do, not to mention the costs. Also have a rag quilt and lots of pillow cases to do for Christmas.
This stocking has plagued me the whole way and more than once I've just wanted to chuck it all, but I have continued on, I was a stitcher on a mission.
Well found out that our nephew changed religions and no longer celebrates Christmas. So now the dilemma is, do I just take it off the q-snaps and make it a UFO until another family member has a little boy?? Or do I finish it up first and wait for the next baby boy to come along? I think I will most likely finish it up and put it away. Would be nice to have one more finish for the year!! So where is it right now? Sorry that the picture is side way, but here is where it was the last time I snapped a picture. I've gotten a little bit more done, most of the bottom row. I will take another picture when I move the q-snaps hopefully today.
I'm OK with my nephew changing his religion, he is a wonderful young man who would go to the ends of the earth to help others. So this weekend I will work on the rag quilt for his wee one. I love the colors, I'm a wild color person. I'm doing each side differently, so we'll see how it all works out. I have the squares all cut so time to sew, just wish I could get hubby to hook up my rabbit ears so I can hear the TV while I sew.
and like Dory......just keep stitching...just keep stitching....just keep stitching.....OH LOOK another chart to buy :)
I know it's late but I hope you finished it up. It would make a great gift for someone or really easy to just sew on a name the next time someone has a baby. I don't see why a female wouldn't like it either.