I can't believe this year is coming to an end tomorrow, seems like it just started. However as I think about what I accomplished during the year, my mind is going 100 miles an hour on what I'll be working on for 2019.
So what did I do................to be honest I didn't complete the large projects that I really would have liked and had on my goals, but the first goal was not to beat myself up for NOT getting things done.
What did I do?

Here is my SB Peter's Patch. I think I made some noticeable progress on this one. I want to frame this one with my Grandma Pearl's picture, as she was my practical Grandmother, and goodness knows a vegetable patch is more practical than my Grandma Millie's Rose garden.

Next up is my Nora Corbet Letter A Mermaid. I'm sorry to say this didn't get a lot of loving because I really don't like working on it, so it's a chore to pull it out and even stitch for short periods. I really need to just decided this has to be done, and just get it done!! I like the mermaid, but just not crazy about all the waves!! Lesson learned just because you do a mermaid for one doesn't mean you have to do it for the other.

Next up is my Mira August Fairy Peridot. This one lingered for a long time. I had the stitching done, just couldn't get into attaching all of the beads. But one day I just sat down and decided it was time to get her finished. And I did!! Then I took her and some other finishes to the framer and spent the kids inheritance on framing. My middle daughter loves it and has this one and my Lizzy Kate hanging in her bedroom.

As I've talked about before, my oldest sister was a huge Wizard of Oz fan, so I'm been working on canvases with different themes. Last year I finished the City of Oz, his year I finished the ruby slippers. I love how they turned out and can't wait to finish them into an ornament. The sequins were fun to work with and while I should have used red ribbon if I wanted more reality of the shoes, I think the gold ribbon looks good and was happy that I actually could do the bow!!

My poor L&L angel EarthDancer, she just keeps getting pushed into another new year, year after year. She did get some loving this year, and I'm happy with the progress, but would have liked to have this one finished this year. She will see more loving in 2019 as well.

I have another L&L angel that I started a few years back for my Granddaughter Arwen (hence the A Mermaid above). I really love this angel, and is one that I had kitted up in my stash for a long time waiting for reason to start. It is the Angel of Peace, but to be honest the wings really have me frustrated, they just seems to go on and on and on!! I've been thinking about gridding it so I can work on the face and dress. I guess we'll see what 2019 brings on this one. I have been making myself spend a little bit of time at my stitching get-togethers..

I started a SB stocking, can't remember which one it is off hand. I have the angel done and I'm working on the bottom of the socking, then will move up to the top. There is no one in mind for this one yet.
These small needlepoints were started and finished in 2018. I made them for Christmas gifts.
Granddaughter is the ladybugs, my Mom was the owl, the music notes my youngest daughter and the water lilies for my middle daughter. The beaded Mary Mack is also for my middle daughter.

I had some knitting finishes as well, but not going to re-post those. I also had some other projects that I worked on during the year, but not enough to really post. So will leave it at these.
thought I would a picture of our recent double rainbow. the pictures doesn't do the colors justice. I was hoping that I could see it from my office window, but it wasn't visible from there.
Great post! Lots of things finished and others to be continued. I would gladly volunteer to get a SB stocking if you don't know who will get the one you're working on! Just kidding! Hope your new year is off to a good start:)