The second is a stocking for a new grandniece. This will be her first Christmas, so I need to hurry up and get it done. All the tis left is the top row and the name, then i will sew on the embellishments and finish it into a stocking. If I focus, this can be done in a long weekend :), maybe Labor Day weekend is that weekend, if not there is always Thanksgiving.

On my WIP list I want to get done 3 angels that I've started - Ice Angle, Peace Angel, Spirit Dancer and my Mourning Angels Sampler
These are all special to me as they are specially for someone or for myself. you can see that I had different thoughts about where to start them. So I am not someone who has to start in any one spot.
My quilting bucket list consists of about 4 quilts that I want to get done - two of them i have all of the squares sewn and just need to assemble them. Then I have one quilt called Petticoats and something, can't remember now and then I have some smaller quilts for twin beds - Dr. Seuss, one just needs the borders attached and the other hasn't been started. I need to get a new cutting table set up and then I'll be on a roll with quilting. I love the traditional quilts, I love doing the geometric designs, must be the love of math in me ;)
I have lots of teddy bears the I can make - some kits some just material. I have one that is all sewn together and I have started to stuff it, just need to put the head, arms and legs on the body. Maybe I can get my sister to come for a long weekend and we can work on them together.
I am working on my she-cave in the basement of our small house. My brother-in-law started to put the flooring down. I want to do small sections at a time where I can then set up different work stations to so speak. the first will be my sewing area, the second is my actual work station and last will be my stitching area. Until that is finished I am making a small area in my living room, I have my chair set up and my light up, now I need to get my music stand set up so I have some place to put my charts while I stitch.
This year won't be historical for finishes, but it has been a year full of changes, some good, some not so good and some still to come. I guess that is what makes it life so I will go with the flow and try not to stress out about what I can't control and enjoy the things I can.
Well done on getting back to stitching! And these are some lovely designs. I am little bit jealous of your stitchy cave.