So if you want to see what others are working on, or join this little band of stitcher, you can go to WIPocalypse....found here:
The question this month is do you rotate your projects or do you stitch one at a time?
Well when I started to stitch a long time ago, I did one at a time - start to finish, but then one day someone said that if I did a rotation that I would get so much done each year!! And I was like...WHAT, that sounds wonderful and that was the end of my sanity.
So as of today I'm well over 30 WIPs, probably more than that, but we'll call it good at 30 for this conversation. Do I still rotate? well not really, I'm kind of a one at a timer until I get tired of it, then I'm on to something else!! So I rotate my one at a time?

With that being said, I do have a finish, the SB stocking!! I need to add the embellishments and then finish it into a stocking. I will take it to the fabric store next weekend and get all of the stuff I need, so with November check in, it should be totally finished. This will be the 12th stocking that I've done by SB. I love these!!

Lastly I've been working on a couple of needlepoints that will be Christmas presents. The stitching is done!! The picture doesn't do it justice. The Hippos are all sparkly. This one was on 22 ct. canvas, so it was difficult to see at times. It will go into a credit card holder, so hoping my sister will like the hippos.
the last picture is the reason why I'm late. Work called me to CA for a few days :) And so I went.
Congrats on the SB finish! I saw on the Bush Blog that a new stocking design has been stitched up and ready for the ff. Amazing to think there are 12 of those stockings! I have a Song of the Seasons too and seeing yours makes me want to get back on it. I'm at the second part too but I'm doing Christmas right now. Have a good Sunday!