Welcome to the February check in for the 2025 WIPocalpyse which is the brain child of Melissa and can be found here if you'd like to know more WIPocalypse
Each month we are asked a question, February's question is to talk about any SAL (stitch A long or Start A Long) that you are participating in for 2025 (or prior years). As of today I am only really participating in one organized SAL - Put a Bird On It by Modern Folk Embrodiery that is being hosted by The Sunshine Stitchers - who have a FB group. Generally I am not a joiner, I have done Round Robins back in the 80's and 90's, but since then I really don't do them. However I really like this quaker design and it's not very big and thought it would be fun. So I joined - I will post my WIP below with the rest of the things I worked on this month. With that being said I am really considering another one this year - Lila Crow is doing. (Lila Crow Cross Stitch) a new SAL called Extraordinary Birds. Looking at her other SAL I really liked the Dangerous Greenhouse and Aquarium and at some point might get these and do them. So who knows you may see some unplanned new starts :)
So what have I done since my last update?
First up is Winter Comes by Heartstring Samplery - this was an exclusive on a FB group, but can be gotten by anyone now. I chose the lighter fabric because I thought it would be easier to see. I was disappointed in how much the words got lost on the fabric. It shows up a little bit better in real life, but not much. I have 1 full page and 1/3 of page to go. There are "personalisation" in this chart where I've been off one thread :(. But going forward not back at this point. Would like to get this done in 2025, so will bring it out for a focus challenge in WIP Warriors .A FINISH!! Hey for me!! I started this one last year, but I have had the kit for probably 20 plus years - OK the chart was dated something like 1995, so maybe a little bit long than 20 years.
I did cut the bottom part off, which was the date and initials because I really didn't like them and didn't want to re-chart the year. I have a frame that I think will work well for it, just need to cut the boarding and then lace it up. So maybe at some point you will see a finish-finish but for now I'm happy.
I love this one - it's Never More by Lila's Studio, but I have to tell you that is one big bird!! I'm not sure I'll have enough thread to do do the bottom border, so might go and get some additional thread, so if the dye lot is different it won't matter because it's not next to the top border. Didn't quite complete the page, but calling this one about 65% done, ok maybe only 60%. I love the colors as well.
Alice by AuryTM came out again, well it really didn't get put away last month. I skipped around on the pages so really don't any any full page finishes but working on it. I want this one done this year so I can start Oz.
Each month the FB group has you do a focus challenge, so I will make this one another focus and see if I can't get it done.
I pulled out another WIP to work, but didn't take a picture. it's other one that has been spending time in the timeout bag because I keep making mistakes and not thrilled with my colors - they didn't translate on the linen as well as they look.
Hubby had his surgery on his rotator cuff - it was in really bad shape. So for the next 7 weeks there is NO moving the shoulder or arm. It's going to be long 7 weeks as hubby doesn't do well with any kind of pain.
Can't wait to see what others have gotten done this month.