Hello all
It's the start of new year with WIPocalypse and the prospects of getting some of these older WIPs done and off my list!! If you'd like to join the fun, or learn more about it all please go here
Measi Wipocalypse-2025-kick-off/
So our task for this kick off is to introduce ourselves, our WIPS and our goals for the year.
I'm Sandy and I've been doing this for maybe 10 year?? Need to look back at my first post to tell me exactly when I joined the group. I know at first I just lurked because I knew nothing about Blogging or how to even start. Still not too talented at this all, but love to post my pictures each month and then scroll back through them all when I need inspiration that I'm really accomplishing something.
So as of today I have 43 active WIPs and about 5 that have been transitioned to UFOs for now. I know at some point 3 of those will come out to play again, but not today. One might end up in the trash because I really don't like it and the intended person really isn't into my stitching, so no lost love there. In the 40 years that I've been stitching only ONE project has ever been actually tossed in the trash - and that was a wedding sampler I had started for my ex-husband and myself. After carrying it around for 15 years and being re-married to someone else I decided I really wasn't ever going to finish it and it was time for it to go - so it did, chart and all.
My taste are all over the board, the only thing I have not jumped both feet into are full coverages, but I tell you I'm being swayed to the dark side with those and might try my hand at one or two in 2026 - which I'm hoping will be my first year of actual retirement - all depends on my folks and if I need to continue to help them. I have over 1600 charts and kits, so I don't have a lack of things to stitch. Of those charts and kits I've completed about 13%, maybe more because I didn't track my finished for a long time.
My goal last year was to touch all of my active WIPs and I accomplished that goal. My goal this year is the same, but I'm adding to that with hopefully 8 finishes. I've estimated the percentage of completion on each of my WIPS and then highlighted those I thought could be finishes. Some are smallish projects and others are larger that I've been working on for a couple of years that could be a finished with a little effort.
At the end of the day I'm a process stitcher, not a completion stitcher. Finished projects are icing on the cake for me, I enjoy the journey. I love starting new projects and getting a lot done. When I get to the middle I get bored with it and it tends to languish and then when I get to that last 10% I get excited about it again and start to push for a finish. I rotate what I'm working on, but found that I need 5-7 days on each project, I tried daily rotation, but found I didn't enjoy changing so often.
I also want to learn more about doing my own finishing, so have a couple of small designs that I don't have any real love for that I will use as practice pieces. I have a needlepoint that I might use as my practice piece as well. With retirement close at hand I know I won't have the funds to have things professional finished anymore.
No pictures this time - those will come at the end of the month, with any luck I will have touched 4-5 projects.
Good luck finishing some WIPs! I finally got my pile down to a manageable number-18. But I'm about to destroy that! Happy stitching😊