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Saturday, January 25, 2025

1 month down - 11 to go - AKA January posting

 Dear Blog world, can't believe that January just flew by so fast and we are facing February, which is a short month and always seems to fly by too.  I need just one or two months that take their time so I can stitch more.

I'm posting my first month of 2025 progress for WIPocalypse and also answer the monthly question.  But first if you want to join the fun go here to get all the info on this group.  You can also join via FaceBook.

Our question this month is to tell you about our oldest WIP.  

I have inactive WIPS that are over 40 years old, OK closer to 50 years now, but those have been put in a semi-permanent time out so not going to talk about those this year.  if you scroll back to January 2024 you will see my oldest WIP of shame.

In my active WIPs my oldest is my Curtis Boehringer Noah's Ark - which is made up of 26 animals, one for each alphabet and then a center design that is basically all back stitched.  I started this some time late 1996 or early 1997 when it came out and for several months I really kept up and with one chart a month it would be a little over 2 years to get it all Or maybe they were supposed to release 2 a month?  So it would be a little over a year???   Well seems like the charts weren't always published on time or maybe my local LNS didn't get them timely and the center was very late being published and to be honest I lost interest in it once I realized I started on the wrong edge of the afghan.  But I've determined to get it done and have made some headway last year and will again this year.   I have 4 more animals to do and the middle, so it's doable, but not sure it will be 2025, maybe it will be a finish in 2026.  If you scroll back you can see the last animals I did, I don't have an updated picture of the whole thing, but will be doing that when it's called on my WIPGO this year.

So what have I don't since my last posting with pictures?

This is my current focus - Alice by AuryTM.  It is really upside down and I'm sorry about that, but that is how I'm stitching on it right now.  I have two complete pages done and bits and pieces of several other pages.  At the bottom the picture that motif completes the width of the design.  Alice and the rabbit go on top of that row and will be the next thing I tackle, but really wanted to get a few more of the quakers done before I move the q-snaps again.   The top of the picture is really the bottom of the design, I have the caterpillar and cat to do yet, both will be fun to stitch.

This one is Faith of the Heart by With Thy Needle and Thread.  I'm still working on page one, but when that is finish I will be a little better than 35% done.  I didn't have all the called for colors, so I have been using what is in my stash.  There is a house which will take me a while to get done, as it is big.  I really like the chart and love the says - "God Finds a Low Branch for the Bird that Cannot Fly". I think I have a frame that will work for it in my stash.  I am trying to do my own framing to keep costs down as I have some bigger projects that will require profession framing.

This is Parker's Stocking by Shephard's Bush.  No pending babies coming in 2025 that I know about, so this is my effort to get ahead of the game.  I have a girls stocking also all kitted up and plans to start that one as well.  It would be nice to have them done where all I have to do is put a name on them and fully finish them into stockings.

I have switched some of the threads here too because I didn't have the called for or I didn't like it.  So far I'm happy with the results and the next time this one comes out, the stitching will be finished.  My goal is to have this one done in 2025.
The next one that got love in January was St. Ives by Indigo Rose, which I started in 2015.  I really like the riddle and want it finished and hanging on my walls for the grandchildren to reason out the answer.  I have finished page 1 of 3!!  The border isn't my favourite, but I found once I get into a rhythm it goes pretty fast.  Next row are cats :). I don't think this will be finished in 2025, but it will get done in 2026 for sure - I want to pull this one out again and work on it.
All Creatures Great & Small by Barbra Ana Design.  I am at the half way on the top row ONLY.  I wanted to get my Adam and Eve done this time with the tree and snake.  I know a lot of people don't like doing Adam & Eve, but I'm OK with it.  I enjoy working on this one because you can do a motif or two and really see the progress.  I need to finish the page, so next time will work on the border more.  I know some people do the border all the way around to make sure it meets up.  I'm going to hope for the best and figure it it doesn't I can fudge it enough.  

7 Virtures by La-D-Da.  This one I'm using my own colors and I like how it's coming out.  Again I want this one done and framed hanging on the walls as reminder of the good we all possess.  It is over 50% done, so should be able to get a finish this year.  It will be one of my focus pieces for sure.

The last two pictures are smalls that were part of mystery boxes I had gotten in the past.  Can't remember who did the Frankenstein design.  I'm not going to do the full design, it was OK, but not something that really sparked my interest.  Decided to do this so I can practice doing pillow finishes with trim.  I will pull this one out again when I want something small to work on. 

The other one I got in another box and was disappointed in the who thing as the price didn't reflect what you got - that was the chart and you got the floss and linen.  I stitch that one in about a day, not difficult at all, and again only did it so I can practice my finishing.  Decided if I screwed it up I wasn't too invested in the design and would not feel bad toss it in the trash or hiding it behind other finishes in my small bowl 

That brings you up today on what I've been stitching.  I hope to have some progress in February as well, but know I will have some busy non-stitching days.  Hubby is scheduled for surgery at the end of the month and I want to get ahead of my March work because hubby will be "helpless" for about 6 weeks so will need to carve out extra time to pamper him as he won't be able to do the cooking during that time.  Little does he know he will be eating a lot of fast food as this chick doesn't like to cook!!  It cuts into my stitching time too much LOL


1 comment:

  1. Good progress this month! I have an afghan I want to start. My husband does all the cooking too! When he is out of commission we eat sandwiches or takeout. I always tell him I married him for his cooking skills.
