SpiritDance - which has the before picture on my web-site, where I started 2013. There has been some progress but not as much as I would have liked. I'm trying to fill in all of the green, but it seems them more I stitch the more there is to stitch, you can still see the missing stitching!! I swear there must be an evil fairy that works all week long adding to the chart and taking out stitches. I really want to get some of the beading done so that I feel like there real progress and maybe I can fell like she is 1/2 done, but for now I just don't feel like I'm making a lot of progress. You can see that I've started the bird she is holding, so the next time you should see an arm, hand and bird and who knows maybe some beads. She really is very beautiful and I'm sure my son and grand-son will love her and I'm sure I will love her more when she's in a real frame and off my lap-frame.
Next up is my Painted Pony Princess Angel - again, not as much progress as I would have liked. I have some more gold to put in the skirt and then will start on the castle, which will be lots of beads!! The wings are done all but the beads and the bodice of the dress is done. Not sure what I want to do for the wand - I'm seeing ribbon, for sure and some padding, and most likely beads on the star. She didn't get a lot of time this past month, want it done for next Christmas.
After the angle is my M Design Halloween Tree - I think I've done more un-stitching than stitching on this. You can see I have taken out the little swirl. What you can't see is I actually had both E's done and discovered it was not centered right, so took it out and re-stitched it all, only to discover I was STILL off, so took that out and put it away :( I will take it back out in March and would like to have it done!! It's not a lot of stitching, I just can't count!! I will most likely have to get more thread because I wasn't able to save any of it, it's a metallic petite braid. The picture doesn't do it justice, I really like the colors I picked out and think when it's done it was look great.
The next up is my Thine is the Trick or Treat. As you can see I'm really enjoying doing this one :) I am using two threads and thought two skeins would be enough, but I don't think so now. So will need to get at least one more and maybe two just to be sure. I've got most of the first page done and well started on the second page with some peaking at the third. The next big motif are skulls - I've just started to outline the border. I'm not sure if this will be out to play between now and then next full moon. But it won't be put too far down into the UFO bin.
The counted canvas (which I don't know the name) I should have had done. I went back and re-did all four corners and re-did the center outer border, didn't like how the threads laid. I just have that last area to do and only on three sides!! And it stitches fast!! Should have just enough thread to finish it up. I want to get it done so I can post it to the Stash Diet blog as one finish this year. Would have liked to have one finish a month, but don't see that happening. I have lots of big projects going, so I'm hoping to lots of big finished towards the end of the year instead of lots of little finishes at the beginning of the year.
The last three are all new starts in January/February - they don't look like much. The brown blob is my PeliCan, which is stitch over 2 on 40 ct. linen. I did some gridding to see if this would help me keep my place. Not sure if I like it or not. Hope to do a few squares a month going forward. I had to re-mount it on a small q-snap. 40 ct. is harder to see than I thought it would be, maybe it's time for new glasses.
The partial face is my EarthDance, I hope to have a lot more of her done by next full moon. I started the face over one before I realized just how much skin is there!! Oh well, it's started now, so will finish it, but going over one is hard on my eyes, so I can only work on it when I have lots of good natural light.
The last one is also a new start - it's August Period Fairy. I'm working on the face and hope to have that done by next full moon too. I'm told she stitches up fast, which she probably does if you're a fast stitcher, but I'm not.
Hope you all have a great month and look forward to seeing your progress as well.
Before |
After |
After the angle is my M Design Halloween Tree - I think I've done more un-stitching than stitching on this. You can see I have taken out the little swirl. What you can't see is I actually had both E's done and discovered it was not centered right, so took it out and re-stitched it all, only to discover I was STILL off, so took that out and put it away :( I will take it back out in March and would like to have it done!! It's not a lot of stitching, I just can't count!! I will most likely have to get more thread because I wasn't able to save any of it, it's a metallic petite braid. The picture doesn't do it justice, I really like the colors I picked out and think when it's done it was look great.
The next up is my Thine is the Trick or Treat. As you can see I'm really enjoying doing this one :) I am using two threads and thought two skeins would be enough, but I don't think so now. So will need to get at least one more and maybe two just to be sure. I've got most of the first page done and well started on the second page with some peaking at the third. The next big motif are skulls - I've just started to outline the border. I'm not sure if this will be out to play between now and then next full moon. But it won't be put too far down into the UFO bin.
The counted canvas (which I don't know the name) I should have had done. I went back and re-did all four corners and re-did the center outer border, didn't like how the threads laid. I just have that last area to do and only on three sides!! And it stitches fast!! Should have just enough thread to finish it up. I want to get it done so I can post it to the Stash Diet blog as one finish this year. Would have liked to have one finish a month, but don't see that happening. I have lots of big projects going, so I'm hoping to lots of big finished towards the end of the year instead of lots of little finishes at the beginning of the year.
The last three are all new starts in January/February - they don't look like much. The brown blob is my PeliCan, which is stitch over 2 on 40 ct. linen. I did some gridding to see if this would help me keep my place. Not sure if I like it or not. Hope to do a few squares a month going forward. I had to re-mount it on a small q-snap. 40 ct. is harder to see than I thought it would be, maybe it's time for new glasses.
The partial face is my EarthDance, I hope to have a lot more of her done by next full moon. I started the face over one before I realized just how much skin is there!! Oh well, it's started now, so will finish it, but going over one is hard on my eyes, so I can only work on it when I have lots of good natural light.
The last one is also a new start - it's August Period Fairy. I'm working on the face and hope to have that done by next full moon too. I'm told she stitches up fast, which she probably does if you're a fast stitcher, but I'm not.
Hope you all have a great month and look forward to seeing your progress as well.
EarthDancer |
PeliCan |
August Period Fairy |
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