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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

2013 Full Moons are done

Well since the last full moon I've not done any stitching at all :(  my stitching mojo was set aside in for a little bit of knitting and my annual pillow case making marathon.  The socks aren't done, the sweater is still in process but the pillow cases are done.  I'm still wrapping and boxing up stuff to mail.  The grand children's gifts have either arrived at their destination or will shortly.  It's everyone else that might have to wait a day or two.

The handsome young man is our oldest grandson.  He had just gotten done with his first band concert.  We weren't able to make it because we don't live close anymore, but our darling daughters were there and took this picture for us.  He is playing the saxophone like his auntie.

At our home in KY I always had at least 3 nativity scenes set up, one for the grand kids to play with, one that was my first for my new home when I got married and then my needlepoint set seen above.  Well we don't have any of them here  in CA, so last year I got this one and put it up on our mantle.

Also got our Christmas tree up.  While it really looks big, it's really quite small.  We put it up on done of our end tables.  It's nice to have it up, but miss having a real tree.

The next sets of pictures are the pillow cases in various stages of being complete.  I sewed 43 this year.  I start the process by cutting them all out, or at least as many as I can.  In the picture you can see some of the theme material - Super hero women,  smore's for my grand daughter, African American for my oldest and youngest daughters and friends.

After they are cut out I start by ironing the band and pinning them in a sandwich style - so the top seam is completely in cased.   I serge all of them, no french seams for this lady.  My first one was done with french seams, but when you are doing as many as I do each year, and you procrastinate on getting started, well, you take the short cuts you can find.

Second step is to iron them and then sew up the side and bottom seams.

Last step is a final ironing.

Angry Birds material was an after thought, I saw that material while looking for material to do a few last minutes gifts for friends.  Not sure who will get them, but I'm sure I'll find someone LOL.

Most of my stitching has been put away for now.  Since I haven't had time to stitch, I figured I'd give my hubby a break and put things up until I can work on them again.  

Until next time I hope you all have a great Christmas.


step 1 complete
waiting for set two

pillow cases still waiting to be wrapped
and mailed or given away
These were the ones that didn't get done :(

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