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Saturday, June 29, 2024

End of June

 OMG I can't believe we are half way through this year!!  Time just is flying by, wish my fingers flew as fast stitching as the days fly by each month!!  I'd certainly have more finishes!!  

It's time to check in for WIPocalyse which is hosted by Measi both in her blog and on FaceBook.  This group has helped to keep me on track - and has done wonders to limit the number of new starts, not that I'm getting anything done, but my WIPs aren't growing either.  You can find her blog here:


The question for June's posting is to recap how we are doing with our goals this year.  I really wasn't expecting any finishes but here is how I've done.  I started the year with 37 WIP - I now have 36 - one finish.  Of those 37 WIPs I've worked on 26 of them - so averaging about a week for each - the finish was less than a week and I just pulled a new one yesterday - so it hasn't had a week yet.  I'm happy with those stats, my goal really was to touch them all this year.  I do have about 10 things I'd like to start, I've decided that I'm good with having 52 WIPs going in 2025, so I will start a few things, over the next couple of months.  Thinking instead of Sampler September I'll have Start it all September :)

So what have I worked on in June?

Heartstring Samplery - Winter Comes - I managed to get all of the words done and the border finished across the top and down both sides - finished pages 1 & 2 now.  there is a house on 3 & 4 which I'm hoping will be fun to stitch, but not sure - lately the houses I've been working on have been really huge and taking longer than normal.  I'm not sure I really like the colors on this one, but I'm too far along to stop now, but I am wishing I would have done the black linen, the words would have popped more.  I'm hoping this one is done in 2025.
This one is by Whilest Iris Naps Designs - called Mary Gypson 1828.  I still am working on page 2 or maybe it's page 3 can't remember.  Not fond of alphabets and had to frog out quite a bit because I made a mistake that couldn't be fudged.  

I do love that design on the left side- there is another one on the right side - it was fun to stitch and reminds me of a lady bug for some reason.  this one won't be done for several years unless it comes out to play more often.  But I'm OK with that, I'm a process stitcher.

I really love the colors and like Winter Comes this one also have a huge house on it, what was I thinking?  I guess I was swayed by all those floss-tubes where people say how much they love stitching housed.

Next one up is by Heart's Content - Wicket Was Here and it's an one over one on 30ct.  

I have a witch's hat to put on the tree that is one page one - which is the main page, but right now I'm working on the roots of the tree.  this one is stitching surprisingly fasts - it should be finished in 2025, or the next time it comes out to play.  I'm really liking it and finding stitching over one on 30 ct isn't too bad!!  I have one other over one in my WIPS that will most likely come out in August to play.

Nesx up is Frankenstine Sampler by Stitchery Posey (?), it was part of a mystery box that I got - but I waited for the box to be opened before I decided if I wanted it or not.  Under this square it says "I am fearless, therefore I am powerful". I love that saying and that is what sold me on the box.  

This section probably has the heaviest stitching, there are more little stitches that should go around the tree at the top and down the side of the house, but not sure if I really need to do those - got tired of doing those smaller sections of stitches - they really didn't flow well and I wasn't going to stop and start each one - so I carried the threads, but tried to keep that carrying as short as possible.  

The next section going across the top is Frankenstein himself - he has a lot of stitching, but mostly fill in, so shouldn't be too bad.

This last one is a Shepherd Bush Stocking - Peter's Stocking.  I have the Santa or maybe it's supposed to be a shepherd done.  This is an older stocking so not as much detail in it as the newer ones.  I will work on the bottom part of this stocking this week and hopefully will basically get it done by the end of the week.  

My grandson is having a little boy, so want to have this stocking done as well as other male stocking and will let him pick which one he likes.  I have 4 other stocking basically kitted up and ready to start.  I will start a girl stocking and another boy stocking in July - I are doing Christmas stitching in July.  While I'm not a seasonal stitcher, I know I need to get these done as my niece is having a baby in October, so I'll need to have 2 stockings ready for Christmas this year.

So that pretty well wraps up on June stitching - my folks are doing better and we have them both in one spot and more care arranged so I'm not trying to do it all.  I love my siblings, but they all live out of State and don't have time to come and help.  I just figure it's more time I get with my folks, some days are better than other but we are finding a new normal.  My Dad has decided that each day should start with Starbucks - I may need to keep working just to afford his Starbuck's habit!!  It costs more than his depends each month LOL - oh well, it's only money and with our kids all grown and doing well, we can afford to help my parents right now.

But I am thinking about retirement - and have planned 3 things to celebrate it when it comes - 

1. - 2000 piece puzzle - love doing those but get sucked into working on them for hours at a time.

2. A Witches Patchwork Quilt - I have the kit so it can be started at any time.

3. A Long Dog Sampler - just need to get the silks, I keep seeing people doing these and love them!!

Can't wait to see what others have done this month.


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