My Blog List

Sunday, August 25, 2024

 So another month has slipped away and with it summer is just about over with - the kids are back in school, OK I don't have any kids, but my child who is a teacher is back in school.  A shameless plug - please if you can help support a school teacher, they do spend a lot of their own money on supplies so kids who parents can't or won't buy what they need, have what they need.  My daughter has not only gotten school supplies, but she has been known to also get clothing for kids.  OK, off my soap box and back to my daughter's wish list - I try to get her everything she needs.

so this month's question is - Do you belong to any stitching groups or guilds (either in person or virtual) and if so tell us about them.   I used to be active in the Southern California Stitchers - we would meet every Saturday in different locations - there were some that were a bit too far to go to, but I tried to go at least twice a month.  There is a group with the FB group for Michigan Stitchers and they meet up, but again not really close to where I live.  If I retire this time next year I will surely get more active in the group and set up a meet up closer to where I live.  Stitching groups are great and I've enjoyed the groups that I've belonged to over the years - if there is one near you or within a reasonable driving distance, join it and enjoy stitching with like minded people.

This is a month of new starts.  Usually I wait until December, but the new-start-ist has hit me and I'm giving into it!!   So there will be at least 2 new starts in August and maybe 3 - still deciding on the 3rd one, if it will be a start this month or in September.    I have so many things kitted up and ready to go, but I keep telling myself I should finish up some of the things that are already being worked on......and then I think nahhhhhhh it's the journey that is the adventure - not the finished.  The Finish is the end of the story and the adventure is over.

First up is Faith of the Heart - which is by Heartstring Samplery - I love the saying on this one - God finds a low branch for the bird that doesn't fly (or something like that).  I think this one can get done fairly quickly - but right now it's being put away - the frog really has enjoyed this one and has spent a lot of time messing with my stitching - you know one stitch in 10 stitches out sort of thing.  I think I'm on track with it now, but who knows.  That house is a biggie and found out I got the wrong thread for it, so will need to see what I can find in my stash, not going to go and get any more fancy floss for it.   I love the bird and that was one of the things that drew me to this design.  The greens are very close in color, you really don't see the difference when both are used in one leaf - oh well.

Next new start was Happily Ever After by Rebel Stitcher.  I have several of her charts, but this is the first one I've actually started.  Really love the colors and it's stitching pretty fast.  

This one will be a sampler for my middle daughter's new home after she is married in November - it probably won't be done until sometime in 2025, but she knows me well enough that she is really not expecting it anytime soon LOL.  But now that I've started this one, I want to start several other charts by this designer, so will be pulling fabric and thread for more starts, but those will wait for my annually start it all 2 weeks at the end of the year - or maybe I'll do 12 starts in 12 hours on December 31st!!  

Here is the progress, it's about 25% done and sorry if it offends anyone. Not something that I would hang in my home, but it fits my daughter to a T and she loved it when I showed it to her.  Even the border isn't too bad on it.
The colors are soft colors, even the darkest color isn't really too dark in real life.  Will be moving the q-snaps when it comes back out - need to get across the top so I can cut down the fabric, I'm loving this fabric - it's an Atomic Ranch.

Next up is one that I started a few years ago, and while I like the design I really am not enjoying the stitch.  And of course the frog has come and personalised the design to his liking - sometimes I catch him and can correct, other times I just don't have the energy to correct so let it go - let it go - let it go......(ok too much Disney with the granddaughter).  I managed to get the rim of the hat done and while you really can't see it, start to outline the face.  

I have pulled out another chart to work on this month, but it's been a busy week and really haven't gotten much done, so will post a picture next month.

Can't wait to see what others have done!!


1 comment:

  1. Haha, Let it go, Let it go etc etc! That's funny! That's my daughter's all time favorite Disney show. Pretty designs you're stitching. I know people who are like your daughter, the sampler would be perfect for them too. Happy stitching!
