My Blog List

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I'm making my list and checking it twice….

Going to figure out who worth stitching and who's not…Santa Claus has left town and it's time to get down to brass tacks.

What in the world does that mean "getting down to brass tacks"?  Well, I looked it up and it means:

  • Brass tacks is an object used in the popular expression "get down to brass tacks". The expression usually means clearing out confusing details and finding out the real facts about something.
  • The etymology of the expression is unclear. It may have roots in the way fabric manufacturers used to mark out a yard in tacks on the counter so customers could buy their fabric accordingly.
  • Another possibility is: In the 1860's the US government issued boots for soldiers that were constructed using brass tacks to hold the leather soles on to the bottoms of their boots. As the boots wore down, the tacks would protrude through the sole and in to the bottom of the soldier's feet. 'Brass tacks' could mean to get to the absolute bottom of things in reference to shoes.

So in my effort to clear out the confusing details of my stitching projects, I once again signed ups the WIPocalypse challenge on Measi's blog ( ).  I would put the magic button on my blog so you could click over to it, but haven't figure that one out yet.  I'm sure it's not difficult, just need to figure out how or where I put it, one day.

In the mean time I pulled her first posting challenge, introducing myself, my projects and my goals.  It's taking me a while to figure out what I really want to accomplish in 2014.  2013 I have lofty goals and as a result didn't get a whole lot done.  I want 2014 to be more productive, so I need to get a plan together and really try to stick with it.  I really enjoy stitching, and when I am stitching I'm so happy, but some days I just can't motivate myself to pull out the thread and needle.  I think that was because I had too much on my plate, so I'm going to clean out my foot stool storage area, and only put a few things in there with the idea that if I don't have lots of options I'll just pull something out and work on it.

This weekend I'll spend getting my projects ready to start.  Some are actually WIP and others will be new starts for 2014.  So next week I'll post my projects that will be on the list with a starting point for each one :)  Hopefully by the full moon in January I'll have noticeable progress.

Hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas and if not, will see you at the shops or on-line for a little enhancement for the new year.



  1. Sounds like a good plan for 2014. Good luck with it and have a happy year stitching XX

  2. I love preparing for New Year. Make sure you post your plans on here to share!

  3. Can't wait to see your 2014 progress, hope you have a very stitchy year,
