Measi has a neat little icon that I should be able to attach, but never figured out how do to it, I'm not really computer literate despite the fact I spend 8 -12 hours a day on a computer. I'm the person who doesn't want to understand how it works, just wants it to work.
While I'd love to say the end of the world can come any day now and I'd have no shame, I'm afraid that would be a lie. Based on my calculations, the world can't end for at least another 200 years. It will take me at least that long to get through all of my WIP and WIP want-a-bees. Ok last count I only have about 37 actual WIP and I have another 4 all kitted up but not started, but they are calling my name and begging to come out and play.
I'm supposed to introduce yourself to everyone, so here goes the next question
I'm Sandy, and currently living in CA, Sunny Southern California to be exact where it never really gets cold and snow is a dream. While I live in the "OC" I'm not a California chick. Much to my husband's disappointment I've negotiated to work from "home" which will be Kentucky officially and Michigan unofficially. While the move is several months away yet, hubby is actually pushing to get things packed up, actually I think he is more excited about the move than me. He will miss the weather, but not the traffic or cost of living. We are originally from Michigan, so I guess you can take the girl out of the Midwest, but you can't take the Midwest out of the girl. So it's time to go home.
I have been stitching for over 40 years now and I love starting a project and I love getting to the end, but can't say I like everything in-between. Which is why I have so many WIP's going, and I'm sure there are more that I'm just not thinking about, but going to take pictures of all of them one of these weekends.
You can't imagine my thrill when I discovered other designers, I was like a kid in a candy store. About the same time I also discovered linen and it came in different counts!!
I don't have any favorite designers that I have to buy everything they put out. However I do have many that I own more charts or kits than I really should, like Shepard's Bush, Lavender & Lace, Lizzy Kate and Mirabillia to name of few.
I have gone through different phases myself like primitives, band samplers, flowers, animals, reproductions samplers and angels.
At the end of the day, I love stitching on things that spark my interest or remind me of someone that I think would love the finished project.
I love working with silk thread and the over dyed, so tend to lean towards designers who use them.
The only charts that I know I don't enjoy are the cover all designs, don't get me wrong, I love them, and I own a few of the early ones (Niagara Falls, Viet Nam Wall), but after doing one, I know I really didn't enjoy it and would never have finished it if it weren't for a very good friend.
My goal for this year is to finish one major project from my WIP. I don't do well with rotations and I'm definately not a one-at-a-timer, when I have tried that I end up not stitching at all. I am a fickle stitcher and have to be in the mood.
So here are my larger WIPs:
1. L&L - Peace Angel
2. TIAG - EarthDancer
3. L&S - Ice Angel
4. Thistles - Family Tree
I would love to get several of my more than 1/2 done WIP's to finishes from the following:
1. SB - Angel's Song
2. Nora Corbett - Letter A Mermaid
3. SB - Peter's Patch
4. SB - Anna's Stocking ( have a grand niece on the way)
5. Nancy's Needle - Starry Night
These will have to wait until after the move - I don't have room in our apartment, so once I'm back in a real house I will have a little more square footage. So for the next 6 months, I will most likely be knitting when I'm not stitching.

1. Glenda the Good Witch
2. The Wiz
My goal this year was also NOT to buy anything new, well that lasted 4 days :( But in my defense - my parents give me Christmas money each year, which I've used in the past to do block of the month clubs in quilting, but this year I decided to get a canvas that I have been wanting for while now. So it is ordered but I won't actually get it for probably several weeks or a month, as while the web-site said they had it in stock, as it turns out, someone had swiped it off the shelf before they could ship it to me. I'm not in any hurry, so can wait. Hope to have pictures of it when I finally get it :)
Can't wait to see what others post, the first posting of the year is always so good. And I always see things that I put on my wish list, or pull out of my stash because I love it too.
Love your post about yourself. Thanks for sharing. I am from the Southwest but live in the Midwest. I understand wanting to return to "home". Can't wait to see what you stitch this year!
ReplyDeleteIt was nice to learn more about you and your hobbies Sandy. Love all of your projects.